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Transfers Will Be Eliminated as of September 3

Effective Tuesday, September 3, transfers will no longer be sold or accepted for WRTA bus rides.

The cost of two regular Adult fares (to and back from a destination) plus two transfers was $3.00, and the transfers were good for a limited time for one ride only.

Now for that same cost ($3.00), riders can purchase an Adult Day Pass and ride as many WRTA buses as they choose within a single day. Seniors and persons with disabilities can purchase a Day Pass at the reduced rate of $1.50.

An Adult Day Pass allows you to take an unlimited number of bus rides on any fixed route bus in the WRTA system on the day you purchase it. Transfers will no longer be needed in order to transfer from one bus route to another. You simply pay one price to get to and back from any destination in the WRTA fixed route system on that day, no matter how many different rides it takes.

Day Passes are only sold by WRTA drivers, and must be requested as soon as riders board the bus. In the near future, Day Passes will be sold at Federal Station.

Effective Aug. 12 – New Drop-off/Pick-up Point at Southern Park Mall

As of Monday, August 12, WRTA buses will pick up and discharge passengers from a new location at the Southern Park Mall. Effective that date, our buses will no longer stop at the curb near the entrance to Sears. The Mall is requiring that WRTA buses now stop at a location opposite PNC Bank, across the north-south access road that runs between the main and Stadium Drive mall entrances (see map).

A shelter will be built at the new bus stop. This action is the result of new construction that will take place at the former Sears location and is being mandated by the Southern Park Mall. WRTA was not involved in this decision.

WRTA Maps & Schedules

Maps & Schedules

WRTA provides daily service Monday — Friday on 24 Fixed Routes, Saturday on 22 fixed routes, and weekdays evening service on 3 on-demand vehicles.

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