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Washington and Columbus Come to Youngstown and WRTA

Representatives from the offices of United States Senator Bernie Moreno, U.S. Congressman Dave Joyce and Ohio Governor Mike DeWine paid special visits to Western Reserve Transit Authority (WRTA) this past week. 

These introductory meetings were casual but informative. Youngstown-based WRTA had aimed to impress and appears to have accomplished that goal.

“The government representatives seemed happy to come here and we appreciate their interest.” said Dean Harris, WRTA Executive Director. “They were surprised by how many people we serve — now over two million rides each year.”

WRTA’s accomplishments seem to have attracted a lot of attention around the state. Observers believe that attention is due to WRTA’s success with increasing ridership, but also the connections it’s forged with local businesses and non-profits. Also impressing the legislators is the the leading role WRTA has taken in advancing autonomous and zero-emission vehicles.

Harris added, “We are hoping the excitement and interest the representatives showed during their visit translates into continued and additional support for public transit in the Mahoning Valley.”
