WRTA Kicks Off New Art On The Move Campaign
The Mahoning Valley is home to art that inspires and moves us — that’s why WRTA is recognizing local artists with the Art on the Move Campaign.
Local creators are asked to submit their artwork illustrating public transportation in the Valley. Nine entries will be chosen to be displayed on the special “Mobile Art Gallery” that will be on the side of a large WRTA bus (see below). The nine winners will also receive a $100 VISA gift card, recognition at the Art On The Move kick-off event, and featured on WRTA’s social media, TV commercials, and digital sign at Federal Station.

Mobile Art Gallery
Registration ended on Friday, June 30 and is now closed.
Artwork submissions are due by Friday, July 7. Only artwork from creators who registered will be accepted.
Artwork Guidelines
Your original artwork must be square and created in one of the following mediums:
- Hand drawn/painted
- Or computer generated original artwork (Exclusions include: stock art or clip art.)
Your artwork should illustrate positive images of people using or benefitting from public transportation (WRTA) in Mahoning Valley.
Here are a few examples of what the artwork can show:
- People getting on a WRTA bus
- People getting off of a WRTA bus
- People riding a WRTA bus
- WRTA riders arriving at work or a shopping center
- WRTA ADA accessible vehicle with a wheelchair user
- Rider using the myStop Mobile App
- Rider utilizing the bike rack on a WRTA bus
- Riders waiting at a WRTA bus stop
- Riders waiting at a WRTA bus shelter
- Clean environment (a WRTA bus with clouds, greenery, less cars on the road, etc.)
- Federal Station
Sample Artwork:
Inspiration for Artwork:
You can use these photos or videos below as inspiration for your artwork
Submission Process
Minimal size, square 10”x10”. Physical submissions are preferred (either original piece or a print). If artwork is being submitted digitally, either as digitally-created art or a photo of a physical art, it must be a high resolution, 300 dpi JPG/PNG file (3,000×3,000 pixels). Artwork submissions are due by Friday, July 7.
Drop off at Farris Marketing M-F, from 9AM – 5PM— 4845 Market Street, Suite 3, Youngstown, OH 44512
Send to Makenna @ Mozenghar@farrismarketing.com
*Please include your first and last name on or with your artwork submission and a description of what your artwork portrays.
Questions? Call 330-770-9627.
Registrations for the WRTA Art On The Move Campaign are now closed! If you registered please submit your artwork, physically or digitally, by Friday, July 7.