If you’re 65+ or ADA-eligible and are unable to use or have difficulty using the bus, you may be eligible to use this curb-to-curb scheduled service to travel to and from any location within WRTA’s Fixed Route service area. Call for more information.
Travel from your home to any location in Mahoning County (Mon.–Sat.) not served by our Fixed Route buses with this scheduled curb-to-curb small-bus service. Vehicles are wheelchair-accessible.
Late Night is just right for a ride anywhere within our Mahoning County Fixed Route service area. Call in advance to schedule this curb-to-curb service that uses dedicated transit vehicles.
WRTA is committed to a sustainable and zero-emissions future. We are leading the way in environmentally conscious public transportation by actively reducing our carbon footprint.
WRTA is always searching for the best public transit solutions for Valley residents. One solution may be self-driving technology (Autonomous Vehicles); we are testing prototypes over the coming months.
WRTA Gives The Valley A Lift, but so do others. That’s why WRTA spotlights local non-profit organizations, small businesses, and artists in special campaigns throughout the year.
Property owners grant WRTA permission to put in a bus stop. When trash and store carts are left at a bus stop, the property owner can revoke permission for the stop. We’ve already lost TWO bus stops because of trash. If the bus stop you use is convenient, the best way …
Representatives from the offices of United States Senator Bernie Moreno, U.S. Congressman Dave Joyce and Ohio Governor Mike DeWine paid special visits to Western Reserve Transit Authority (WRTA) this past week. These introductory meetings were casual but informative. Youngstown-based WRTA had aimed to impress and appears to have accomplished that …
Please be advised that the March Board of Trustees Meeting set for Thursday, March 27 at 10:00 a.m. has been cancelled.
Everything you need to know about riding with WRTA
Watch step-by-step videos on using WRTA myStop mobile app
Learn how advertising with WRTA will drive sales your way
Service information for veterans and their families
Overview and statistics of our riders, buses, and more
American with Disablities Act service, fares, and info
Information for TITLE VI and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
Information about products or services WRTA is seeking bids for, along with surplus items offered for sale.